Comment Period Open: NOP Origin of Livestock Proposed Rule

brown cow on green grass field during daytime

On May 12, the AMS National Organic Program (NOP) will announce in a Federal Register Notice the reopening of the public comment period for the Origin of Livestock proposed rule originally published in 2015. The comment period will be open for 60 days: May 12 – July 12, 2021.

The Origin of Livestock Notice proposes revisions to the USDA organic regulations that would change how conventional livestock are transitioned into organic production and how transitioned animals are managed in the organic system.

This Notice invites comments on specific provisions that were not considered in the previous 2015 proposed rule, based on public comments to that proposed rule and comments received during the supplemental public comment period in 2019. This additional public comment period will inform USDA’s development of a final rule and allows people an opportunity to submit comments on the new information.