It’s that time again for OneCert certified producer operation’s annual renewal! Those operations that have received renewal packets recently may notice some changes to the provided paperwork. OneCert has updated some of our forms and even created new ones to better capture the certified operation’s organic system plan. Below is a highlight of some of the changes and reminders:

In an effort to schedule and conduct inspections in a timely manner, OneCert has changed the due date for returning producer renewal documents to March 15, 2022.
It is very important that we receive renewal packets and fees as early as possible, so we can schedule inspectors for the coming year.
New & Updated Forms!
OneCert has developed new forms to capture additional details for certified organic producer’s organic system plans. These forms include:
- Annual Production and Sales Self Audit Form (APSA) – This form is designed to increase self-monitoring of the farm’s record keeping practices and reduce the time it takes an inspector to complete the annual audit exercise. It must reflect the production for the previous season and include all organic crops/products harvested in the previous year.
- Livestock Organic System Plan (OSP-L) – The Livestock OSP has gone through significant changes for the 2022 season. Livestock operations are required to start fresh with a new form and submit it with their 2022 renewal documents.
- Reporting yields (estimated and actual) – The Annual Field Plan (AFP), Field History (FH), and Market Garden Certified Product List (MG-CPL) Forms now include columns to report the crop yields from the previous year and estimated yields for the current year.
- Appendix B: Inputs List – The Appendix B: Inputs List includes check boxes in the “Client Use Only” column. This is not an update for 2022 but rather a reminder for all producer clients to update these columns each year. The options for “client use only” include:
- In Use – inputs that are actively being used by your operation
- On Site & NOT in use – inputs that are stored are on site but are not actively being used
- Toolbox – inputs that are not on site or being actively used, but should remain on the inputs list for future use
- Remove – inputs that are no longer being used or planned for use and can be removed from the list.
Certification Fees & Financial Assistance
Due to the inflation and increase in expenses, we have increased our fees slightly this year for the first time since 2012. Most operations will only see a $100 increase in fees. With increased USDA funding (through Cost Share and OTECP), the additional cost of certification may be entirely offset for your operation.
Note that it is still required to report your gross organic sales on the Annual Update Form to determine the appropriate fee for your operation.
To the best of our knowledge 2022 Cost Share will again be available for NOP Certified operations for reimbursement up to 50% (or $500) of certification costs.
The USDA has recently announced some additional financial assistance through the Organic and Transitional Education and Certification Program (OTECP).