Dear OneCert: Demystifying the Mass Balance Audit

Dear OneCert, my inspector said I need to be ready for a “Mass Balance Audit” at my inspection. What does that mean? What records do I need to have available for them to complete this exercise? 7 CFR 205.403(d) The on-site inspection of an operation must verify:(4) Mass-balances, in that quantities of organic product and ingredients produced […]

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Dear OneCert:

Is there a ‘master list’ of cleaners and sanitizers we can use to clean equipment prior to Organic processing? –A Curious Manufacturer Dear Curious Manufacturer: Unfortunately no, there isn’t! Such a list would be impossible to maintain since it would involve tracking and evaluating every new cleaner and sanitizer product that comes out on the […]

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Dear OneCert: Changes, Changes, Changes

Dear OneCert Team, Help! Our operation is undergoing some major changes and we want to stay compliant with the organic regulations. What type of documentation must we submit? Thanks! Sarah Dear Sarah, Thank you for contacting OneCert regarding the changes to your organic operation. Changes to your organic system plan can be submitted and reviewed […]

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Dear OneCert: How do I apply for certification?

Greetings OneCert Team! I am new to organics and have some products that appear to be eligible for certification in 2021. What do I need to do to become certified? What’s the process and how long can it take? I have some buyers in mind that are wanting me to sign a contract if I […]

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